Angleterre  -  glam rock, folk rock, psychedelic rock -  **


T. Rex  est un groupe de glam rock britannique créé à la fin des années 1960
Marc Bolan . Il est composé du chanteur et guitariste  Marc Bolan ,
du percussionniste  
Steve "Peregrin Took" , de  Steve Currie  à la basse et
Bill Legend  à la batterie.  ( source wikipédia )



-  Marc  Bolan  -  chant, guitars -
 Steve  Peregrine Took  -  bongos, African drums, kazoo,
                                             Chinese gong, guitare,... - ( 68,69 )
Mickey  Finn  -  choeurs, Moroccan clay drums, table,
                                basse finger cymbals - ( 70 )



prophet seers & sages
the angels of the ages 
  ( 1968 ) 

 titres : deboraarobed, stacey grove, wind quartets,              consuela, trelawney lawn, aznageel the mage,              the friends, salamanda palaganda,
             our wonderful brownskin man,
             o harley (the saltimbaques), eastern spell,
             the travelling tragition, juniper suction,
             scenes of dynasty.

unicorn     ( 1969 ) 

 titres : chariots of silk, pon a hill, the seal of seasons,              the throat of winter, cat black (the wizard's hat),              stones for avalon, she was born to be my unicorn,
             like a white star tangled and far tulip that's what
             you are, warlord of the royal crocodiles,
             evenings of damask, the sea beasts, Iscariot,
             nijinsky hind, the pilgrim's tale,
             the misty coast of albany, romany soup.

a beard of stars  ( 1970 ) 

 titres : prelude, a daye laye, woodland bop,
             fist heart mighty dawn dart, pavilions of sun,
             organ blues, by the light of a magical moon,
             wind cheetah, a beard of stars, great horse,
             dragon's ear, lofty skies, dove, elemental child.


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